State Licenses 101

It has been a while since I have posted... I feel like I am applying for graduate school all over again. Let me tell you. I have learned a lot about applying for state licenses. Here are some pieces of wisdom that I have gathered:

1. If you have your CCCs- request as many ASHA Waivers as you need at the very beginning. This has been what has taken my the longest to get. (I am still waiting)...

2. Pick the biggest number of states and apply at the very beginning because they only have to verify with the one state you already have a license in. Just remember the next time you go to get a license, you have to verify with all of the other states that you now hold a license or have ever held a license with (from what I understand).

3. Find all the requirements of your applications before starting. It might be overwhelming but pick your states EARLY. Don't apply to a state then pick another and then apply. A lot of these places require the same thing. For example, two of my states required fingerprints, three required a picture, and two required a notary to verify signature. If I hadn't looked before I would be going back and forth to these places to get the same things multiple times.

4. Don't get overwhelmed. It is going to be OK! There is a lot. Sometimes, I would work on it for an hour or two and then be like, OK now it is time to take a break and do something else. Remember you don't have to get it all done in one day. There are a lot of things that you will be waiting on (transcripts, letters from ASHA, fingerprinting, etc.) and it's ok for the process to take some time. Hopefully you have decided early enough to to this that you aren't scrambling at the last minute! (I got blessed that this was me!)

5. MAKE LISTS!! This is the bane of my existence. I live for lists! I have made packing lists, fun lists, state lists, to-do lists, and it makes me feel just a little bit better about this uncontrollable time in my life.


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