Always an Adventure!

Well. You might be thinking that it is a little irregular that something crazy not happen to Jess in the past week… And you’re right. That would be crazy. It however is untrue. I have been taking some time to process all that has happened and to put it into perspective. It has been a crazy one!

Where to start with my adventure of the previous week? I guess I will start at the beginning.

For those of you who hadn’t heard the beginnings of my story here in Western Massachusetts, here it is: I showed up to my first day and they transferred me to another facility in the same town for almost a week until the position was filled by another traveling speech therapist. Then I was transferred back over to my original facility. I LOVED that facility. I worked with two other great SLPs, the workload was not overwhelming but also super challenging and interesting. I worked at that facility for about 3 weeks. Last Monday I started my fourth week at the original facility. (This is where I would cue the duh. duh.... duhhhh....) Last Thursday, I was taken aside and told that I would be transferred again effective on Monday. This time to a town 30 minutes north of where I was working. This was not an optional thing, it was a “have to” thing. So effective 3 days ago on Monday, I have been transferred up to North Western Massachusetts and now I am working in two different facilities and splitting the time. I work at one in the morning and one in the afternoon. I took the weekend to let it all absorb and I started work this Monday splitting the difference. Honestly they are both nice facilities, but I am the only SLP and they are a smaller and less challenging caseload.

These past 5 weeks (counting the week in Boston) have really taught me a lot about going with the flow, finding the joy in the little things, relying on God, and relying on family for support. I am making it. For those of you who are wondering, I always have the option to put in my two weeks notice and find another travel assignment (I guess we all have that option in life… ) but I have made a commitment and I don’t take that lightly. Hopefully my transfers are done and I can complete this 13 week contract with some stability and normalcy. But if it doesn’t happen, then there is something else that I need to learn, and someone else that I am suppose to see elsewhere! (see me trying to be positive!?! lol)

So if that wasn’t bad enough… 
You thought I was done right?

I show up to work today at the morning facility and my boss has an email for me to read. Apparently at my other facility that I left on Friday there was a nasty case of Strep A that was going around and it was becoming very ugly (some patients were getting very sick and it was spreading in the facility). So they decided that everyone who worked at the facility in the past 6 months (that would include me!) had to be tested. Ok fine. So a strep test. Throat swab and done… Oh I would only be so lucky. Reading the email I read: “can be tested orally, anally or vaginally” And I made the remark to the director of rehab, well obviously I would pick orally… Oh no. No. No. No. Silly Jessica the word "OR" was an "AND". So long story short I had to drive 30 minutes to my old facility to be tested in all three ummm... “areas.” I will keep everyone posted if I am strep positive; which will add a whole new excitement to my life… But seeing my previous week in writing I am not going to hold my breath about that. Well until life throws another hurdle at me, and I figure out how to jump it.  

Be blessed. Find the joy in the little things. Rely on God. Rely on Family.



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