Negotiating Your Contract (TravelCon 2017)

Negotiating helps you. You have a right to negotiate. Some agencies won’t negotiate.  You are in charge. You never have to accept and offer you don’t want. Until you commit, you are just SHOPPING!

2 styles:
1. Cooperative
2. Confrontational

Make Lists
ü  Things you LIKE
ü  Things you NEED
ü  Professional goals
ü  Financial goals
Remember dream destinations can wait! Flexibility broadens options. Think outside of the box.

Always have a plan B
·         2+ agencies
·         Alternatives fuel strength
·         Recruiters don’t relish this
·         Be HONEST!

Most negotiating should be done on email to have a paper trail.

·         Insist that preliminary offers be sent in email
·         Insist on sufficient detail
·         Written record is important

Set ground rules
·         No verbal contracts—they aren’t binding
·         Reaching an agreement depends on the details
·         No unauthorized submissions
·         Don’t mislead- be honest about shopping around

Set professional tone
·         Be friendly—but don’t try to make friends -- I don't necessarily agree with this. My recruiters and I keep up with each others' lives. But yes, we are business associates first. And I think we all know that. 
·         Remember: This is a business contract

    Don’t invest your emotions when negotiating


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