Learning to say "NO?"

So today as I was sitting at my desk studying my very VERY dry neuroscience book I was asked by multiple people to hang. And I had to take a moment and reflect. Why would I say yes? Because I want to get out of my apartment, hang with some super cool friends and of course take a break from neurology. Why would I say no? because it's something that I need to do. I have a responsibility to myself, my school and ALL of the loans I am taking out to do this and do it right.

Yes it sucks, I know. But this is the hardest thing for me. Learning to say "no." I want to say yes, trust me... I do, but I also have so much going on and the breaks that I do allow myself are really not breaks at all. (i.e. doing laundry, cleaning the kitchen etc.) This concept of saying "no" is something that I have struggled with all my life. I want to say yes, and hang out with you or help you with something that you need help with but at sometime in these next 2 years I am probably going to say no. Not because I don't love you but because I don't even have enough time to love God, my clients and myself.

And just because I am a LAME-O doesn't mean you should ask me to hang, trust me sometimes I will need/want to. And it makes me feel so good when people ask me to go to the movies with them or chill by the pool for a few hours but I can't. My weekends are filled with catching up on sleep and catching up on all of the homework that I couldn't fit into my week.

SO... this is what I ask my friends and family. Please do not be discouraged if I can't talk long on the phone or can't hang out with you on a Saturday night. Please support me and my decision to take this job of being a student seriously. (I know you all do!!) But also, don't stop asking and calling, I know I might turn you down a lot more than I have before, but one time when you call me I am going to need to talk or I am going to need to get away from the pressures of homework for a while. And I can't thank you for that enough!

God has blessed me with so many great friends and family and I really want to continue building these awesome relationships even while I am at Grad school!!

Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, who has blessed us with every spiritual blessing in the heavenly places in Christ 
Ephesians 1: 3


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