The Past Two Days.. With Pictures :)

5/28/14 @ 6:21pm
Today was much better! I woke up this morning a little nauseous still but took some medicine and now I feel sooo much better! Hopefully this will be the end of all the sickness drama! I am ready to be better!! Ok so I have done therapy yesterday and today both. First, I will walk you through Tuesday. I had morning time where I had Jon. Jon was a little fussy and he fell asleep while I held him. Don't worry, I have pictures! :) 

Jon, just not for sure whether or not he likes me. He eventually started crying and then I rocked him! 
And he fell asleep....

Then we went to individual therapy where I worked with Beep Beep. Beep Beep is working on her colors and numbers. We have made significant progress with color identification. 

This is Beep-Beep, aka Maureen, aka Murie, aka Momo

5/29/14 @ 7:15am
Sorry I got distracted and decided to go to bed last night a little bit early. Ok where was I? On tuesday when I was finally able to see babies!! (And take their pictures!) After individual therapy with Beep-Beep I went to haven 3 where there are quite a few babies and we did feeding and swallowing stretches with them for an hour. I had a baby named chabello she is just a cutie! Developmentally she is working on sitting up! She almost has it! 

During feeding and swallowing I was given one too many babies that all needed to eat, here was my attempt! I think twins are do-able... maybe... haha! 

Then after lunch we came back and did boondoos time. Tracey sat on my lap this time, and then my individual 45 minutes at the end was with cute Aggie. Oh I almost forgot to mention. I spend this time with Catherine and our supervisor Kara, and it is just a good relaxation ending to the day. Today we decided to chitangee our babies to try it out :)

This is my baby Aggie!! She's precious and happy, all the stinkin' time! 

This is Catherine and me, we are usually the two at the end of the day playing with babies! Her baby is Chebello, the same baby that I had during feeding earlier in the day! 

Sarah decided to join us in the fun! Her kiddo is a little more difficult so she took a break and chitangeed a nearby baby. I believe that is Esther who also participates in swallowing therapy. We always know because she has her tongue sticking out.. always... :)

It was a good day to come back to, although it is hard to come back when my classmates have had so much time to bond with the kids. It was hard to not feel left out, because most of the girls have a child that is "theirs" that they love on and that always finds them when we come to the Haven. I am sure this will happen to me, but sometimes I feel like I am missing something because I missed 2 whole days. Tuesday night was when I started to feel nauseous again and I got sick right before dinner. I, of course, did not eat dinner but right after I went to bed for the night. Sleep seems to cure everything. The next morning, Wednesday, I was still a little bit on the nauseous side, so I took some of Lindy's drugs--- She has a pharmacy. Then about an hour into the day I started to feel fine! Woohoo! Yesterday, I started off with Jon again but he was not a happy camper and wanted to go back to the Aunties. So I let him and just went and sat with the kids on Haven 1's porch with the supervisors. This was a good excuse to sit while I was still nauseous. Then was individual therapy with Joelo. We have only had one session so we continued to work on building rapport and engaging. Our goal while we are here though is to increase verbal output, he only grunts and nods as a form of communication. After Joelo, it was back to baby swallowing time until lunch. After lunch was boondoos time which is probably the most dreaded part of the day. The kids have just woken up from their naps, and lets be honest I have just woken up from a short nap too, and so we are all sleepy and unmotivated. I had Vera on my lap for .5 seconds before she was anywhere and everywhere so I was childless this time in the boondoos. After boondoos was my 45 minutes with baby Aggie! This is sooooo my favorite time of the day! Now on to another day and another adventure! 

We got our schedule for the next few weeks and it's looking good! It is crazy how fast the time has gone, and how fast it is going to continue to go! Since we are going to see the lunar rainbow on a weekday we are making up the day this Saturday, bleh. BUT the lunar rainbow is going to be amazing and I think we are all excited to stay in a hotel with a for real shower. I think that has been the most stressful thing, that has continued to be stressful. The spiders we have named and have grown accustomed to, and even the rat (that we have named Rat, Phillip) is a less stressful situation but showering will always be a tad stressful. We have a hand held shower sprayer, in a bathtub with no shower curtain. Enough said. Let's just say, we are excited for a "normal" showering experience! On that note it is time for me to say farewell and go get ready to start the day! Peace and blessings :)


  1. Jess! I hope you continue to feel better as you bond with your sweet little babies :) What is your feeding therapy like with the babies? My supervisor and I have been doing some feeding therapy with babies in the NICU, so I was wondering how it compared. We have to "experiment" with different kinds of bottles and nipples to determine the best fit for each baby. It is very overwhelming because there are so many! But it is definitely a great learning experience. Also, with Joelo what kinds of things do you do in therapy to increase his verbal output? I can sympathize with this in some ways as well. We have one baby in the NICU who has severe reflux, so his poor tummy is hurting all the time :( He doesn't really demonstrate any kind of babbling or cooing, so we do a lot of singing and auditory bombardment of motherse speech to try to get him to vocalize in some way or another. I continue to pray for each of you, and I will be praying that you continue to feel better physically as well!

  2. Hello!

    I am so happy to hear you are feeling better! I love hearing about all of the babies. I know you are giving them so much love and attention. Hearing you talk about the babies who do not have many vocal ways to communicate reminds me so much of my caseload. Many of my clients are little bitties who are essentially nonverbal. I am sure we are working on similar things to increase their verbalizations. Isn't it so rewarding when the kids start making improvements? I get so excited when some of my kids even just produce a new consonant! I am learning and experiencing what it's like to feel helpful. And I know you are too. These babies are so blessed to have you, Jess! So glad you are feeling better!

  3. Jess! I am so glad you are doing better now! And I loved looking at your pictures, those babies are sooo sweet. I had a couple questions for you. First, what kind of oral feeding stretches are you using? We use a few oral stretches with some kids on my caseload with CP and one who had a stoke and hemiparesis. I'm wondering if they are similar to the Beckman oral stretches (this is the type we use). Also, your nonverbal child sounds like a lot of kids on my caseload, too. A lot of mine are due to severe autism, but I was wondering if there is an alternate form of communication typically used there for older children who continue to be nonverbal after the toddler years? Anyway, I'm so curious to find out! I know you are doing so much great work over there and those children are blessed to have you around!

    ~ Kendra

  4. So glad you're feeling better!


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