Woah.. It's interview time.

I have had the opportunity to look at other blogs and posts by other individuals in the traveling industry. I have combined them with some of my own that have come up during my first few interviews to help create a list of important things to think about when interviewing over the phone with potential companies. 

Scheduling Questions
Discuss start date and how many weeks expected. 
How many hours? and what times will you work?
Will weekends be required/optional? (Might want to ask what kind of compensation is offered for working weekends)
Is overtime available/expected?
Policy for working holidays?
Confirm/discuss any prearranged days off you may need off and how that is handled. 
Also ask about how sick days are handled. Is it a no-pay day? Does it get tacked to the end of the contact? etc. 

Facility Questions
What are your productivity standards?
What does a typical day's schedule look like. 
How many patients seen per day?
Am I required to reach full productivity the first week?
Will I be supervising any SLPAs?
Number of beds/common diagnoses.
What type of charting/documenting system?
What is the dress code?
Will floating to other facilities be required? (how often? to where? what compensation is offered? etc.)

Mentorship Questions
How many SLPs are at the facility?
Is there mentorship available?
Specifics on orientation and how long it takes to get acclimated. 
Will someone be able to show me documentation requirements?
Will there be a therapist on staff within the facility for questions?


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