My Soap Opera

Welcome. I know some of you have been diligently waiting for an update to Jess' "soap opera" as my sister-in-law so kindly referred to my life. This week has been a rollercoaster, but I think the ride is finally slowing down.

Basically the rehab company that made a mistake is transferring me to another one of their facilities... Only problem is that it is sadly not commutable from my aunt's house. I did get a sizable raise so that is in the blessings. 

I will be leaving this weekend to move to Pittsfield, Massachusetts. It is a small town on the west coast of Massachusetts. It is about 1 hour east of Albany, NY and about 3 hours west of Boston. I am now currently looking for housing that is affordable and hopefully dog friendly so that Zorro can journey with me. Please pray for this to happen as quickly as possible. Since I didn't know I would be living in a possibly unfurnished apartment I left all my supplies at home so I think my mommy will come and visit me for the first few days as well, which is exciting!

I am also so excited about all of my possibilities for adventures these next 13 weeks. I am close to at least 2 state parks, near the mountains but also some lakes. NYC and Washington, DC are both drivable weekend adventures as well as Niagra Falls. 

Here are some pictures of myself on the adventures I got to have the past few days. I got to go into downtown Boston and tour around for a day and then got to go to Gloucester, MA, Rockport, MA and Hailbut Point State Park to tour the northern area of Massachusetts. So many blessings in all of this craziness that I am so thankful to God for! 



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