Layout of the Company
ü  Management (CEO/CFO/CNO/CNL)
ü Lead Recruiter/Recruiter/Recruiting Assistant
ü  Payroll, Housing, Quality Assurance
ü  Account Managers (contact between company and hospital)
ü  Sub Contractor- another middle man through the hospital system

Ask about your company. Who does your recruiter report to? Who will actually be finding you the job? Who will communicate/negotiate the pay with you?  Who will communicate everything else to you?

Take inventory of needs. You need to know what you want. Otherwise, how will you ask for it? Location? Salary? Benefits? What is important to you. 

Narrowing Down the Field
·         Number of cancelled contracts
·         Travel groups on FB
·         Make a list and compare across the board

This is what I did:
·         Cold called/emailed companies
·         Had a list of questions I asked recruiters
·         Made a table and compared them all
·         Picked my top 3 (a lot had to do with recruiter personality)
·         And had the top 3 look for jobs
·         Slowly realized #3 was not working out
·         Stuck with 2 (for now)
*What I wish I would have known
 1. It is a big time commitment—be ready!
·         2. If you don’t like the recruiter—ask for another one. Especially at the beginning. It’s sad how many companies I was swayed from not because of their benefits or job opportunities but because of the personality of their recruiter


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