The Camper: Ebb

My dad and I have been working hard to get everything ready for the camper! Last weekend we attached some stabilizing bars and the hitch for the camper, Ebb, to hook up to my truck, Flo. Dad has been a big help and we have been learning A LOT. We have also been working on the inside to get it living ready. We hung up a towel rack, toilet paper holder, TV holder, and knife holder in the kitchen. We have put on propane covers for the propane tanks and I have been working on decorating the inside. It is starting to look a little more homey! Here are some before and after pictures :)

 before bed area

 Bed with the bed spread on. This has just a regular (Queen Short) mattress right now but a memory foam mattress is going to be a must for living in here full time!
I am also planning on putting some sort of adhesive wood behind the bed as a makeshift headboard in the future.

 Before kitchen
You can see that there isn't anything above the stove--
I added the knife strip and the spatula holders.
I will also be adding a paper towel holder above the sink.

 After-- little coffee area.
I decided a Keurig was a must. I need to get some museum putty. They say to put that underneath anything that doesn't move. Dad helped put up the TV holder and I bought a tiny 19" TV.
That swivel will allow me to see the TV from the breakfast nook (couch area) and my bed. When we went to Best Buy I realized how small a 19" TV is...
Big change from my big screen I had previously!

Before it's a kitchen table!

After: It's a couch!
So this was the space I had the most debate about. Here in this picture it is a table and chair. It is hard to get around to the back side and I don't really sit at the table to eat when it's just me... Like ever. So I thought about making it into a permanent bed (the table top comes down and the cushions make a bed) but the cushions just moved around too much and it didn't look that great since they were different colors. So I decided to make it more like a couch. I took the table and legs out and they are stored under my bed in case I need them to make a bed or a table and I brought an end table from my apartment to be a leg rest. I plan on having a basket underneath with just the random things you need while you are watching TV and hanging on the couch.

*Not pictured are inside the cabinets in the kitchen-- I want to add shelving to make storage more efficient in there and in my closet** I will take before and after pictures when we get to that (maybe this weekend!)

Also we had the opportunity last weekend to tow the camper up to the high school (about 3 minutes from our house) and practice in the parking lot backing it up, making turns and all that fun stuff. This coming weekend my brother is coming to make more sturdy steps for Zorro (and I) to go up to get in the camper. We will also *hopefully* be installing the TV and putting the shelving in the cabinets and closet. We are also going to take it on the first real "trip" to my grandparents about 1 hour away to practice driving it on back roads, regular roads and even a little bit of highway! Eek! I think before that is all over I am going to give Dad a heart attack.

Then the following weekend we are taking Ebb to her first campground so that we can practice hooking up and unhooking, parking, and the actual camping side of things. Then I am off to the Caymans for a week and then back to drive the camper to Maryland. These next few weeks are going to fly by!

Here is a t-shirt that I am considering getting dad once this is all said and done ;)

“The world is a book and those who do not travel read only one page.”
― Augustine of Hippo

Happy Travels.


  1. Wow! This is all major cool. I am super excited for you! What's up in the Caymans?


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