
Well as you all know, I am terrible at updating everyone! I am currently in Indianapolis... again! I was asked back here again to fill in for another maternity leave. This time I get the opportunity to work with the pediatric population and now the head and neck cancer population as well. I spend two days working with pediatrics and then three days working at Community Health's cancer center in a brand new building. I have been here for 7 weeks, going on 8 and this has been such a great experience so far, and I am learning a lot!

Here is a picture of my super nice office!

Also, since I am back in Indianapolis, I am spending time with my brother, sister-in-law and baby nephew! I love being so close to family!

I was able to drive up a about a month ago and spend time with my other brother, sister-in-law and nephew in Cleveland. I also am only about 4 hours from home so weekend trips are totally doable and it is really neat to be so close to my nephews!

I also attended the "Aebi Family Reunion" in southern Ohio. There are 12 of us cousins and this is the first time that we were all able to get together in a long time. I can't believe how much God has blessed me with my family.

Update on the summer:
This summer was a little bit crazy. I was supposed to be in Maryland for the whole summer working at a contract that I worked at previously. But you know how plans change... The place that I was going to be at found a permanent SLP! I am so happy for them, since that is why I was filling in, to allow them time to do so. They asked me to come to Maryland for 2 weeks and help transition the new SLP and train her. I was able to stay at the lovely bay side house that I stayed in before and it (OF COURSE) was beautiful! It was warmer this time around too, so I got to lounge in the hot tub while looking at the bay. I can't describe how beautiful it is!

Then I was able to squeeze a shorter 7 week contract in the middle working at a skilled nursing facility south of Dayton, OH. And YES, I brought the camper (to Ohio). She got a quick 7 week outing and it went really well... except for the parking... don't even ask about the parking, haha ;) Here are some pictures of my camper all set up at my camp site!

Future Plans:
"Friends and Family Month"
I will be at this contract (if everything goes according to plan) until the beginning of October. Then it is a week in Hilton Head with the family, 3 weeks traveling around the southern United States (Alabama, Georgia, Arkansas and Louisiana) visiting some good friends, and then about 1.5 weeks visiting my friend Catherine in Germany (with a side trip to Portugal!). I am beyond pumped with taking some time off and really spending quality time with friends and family. I have coined October (and part of November) as "Friends and Family Month." :)

Winter Contract
My hope is that when I get back in November from Germany I will have a contract lined up in one of my warm states (California or Texas) and then will be on my way there for the winter and spring with my camper. I would like to take back to back assignments wherever I end up to make my trip across country worth it.

And after that...
Who knows!

“All journeys have secret destinations of which the traveler is unaware.” — Martin Buber


  1. Maryland says hi come back soon . Miss the little lap warmer too.

    1. Awww he misses you too! I was trying to find a place to board him here and I wish that it was with you! :) We will be back!! Hehe


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