And now it's official....

So the tables have turned, yet again. The road to get to California has been an interesting one, and if you want to know more I can share on another post. But the bottom line is that I am going to the same place that I originally planned to go a few weeks ago. I just hit a few speed bumps a long the road. Apparently this place was God's plan for me all along. I will be working in Murrieta, CA.

I am excited to be near the mountains and in wine country! It will be semi-warm during the day (average of 60s) and drop to be semi-cold (40s) in the nights evenings- but will be WAY better than Ohio winter weather for sure. I have a nice RV spot to park Ebb, which I am super excited about! Its actually an RV resort. 

I will not be starting until the beginning of December, so I will get to spend Thanksgiving with the family. I am also planning on going to ASHA (speech-language pathology's national organization get together/continuing education) this year in Boston and visit some family along the way. 
I leave this Friday for Hilton Head and then off to Alabama, Georgia, Arkansas and Louisiana and finally to Germany to visit my friends and people.

So ready to renew my spirit and spend time with people that matter to me :) Wish me luck on my travels!

I feel like now I have to put this at the bottom of all of my posts
*These plans are subject to change

Stay committed to your decisions, but stay flexible to your approach. 
-Tony Robbins


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