Getting my life on track.

I am here to tell you that I do not have everything figured out. I might seem like I am living this fabulous traveling life, but it is hard. As a traveler you are constantly having salary changes, unpaid time off, unpaid holidays/sick days and of course changes in routine...

Here is how I keep my life feeling like it is in check: LISTS. Anyone surprised? Everyone who knows me, knows that lists are my jam.

And here is the secret to my list making success, my planner. This is a different brand than I have used in previous years, but I love it! I was able to find mine at TJ Maxx for 7.99 but here it is on amazon if you want to snag it!

My beautiful, inspirational planner
Goal tracker page for January

And the month of January. Can't believe it's almost gone... 
Here's a news flash, I can always find other things I would rather be doing. Sitting down after work and making goals/doing a budget is just not in my life plan. I do however, get a 60 minute lunch which has become my life planning time. I rotate lunch times between doing a bible study, updating and changing my goal tracker or updating my budget. It seems to be working out pretty well!

Now the planner has a budget page, which is super cute but I like to have my excel sheet do math for me. So this year, I have started doing my budget on a google spread sheet. That seems to be helping as well... Super proud of all of my organization in 2019 so far!


  1. I am teaching the professional issues class this semester and I want the students to know all about this option. So...Do you recommend the traveling lifestyle? How long have you gone without a paycheck? Does the company pay any expenses? Is it more expensive to live in an apartment or extended hotel than to have your camper? Is it more/less salary than a full time job? Thanks! I loved my card! Miss you!!!


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