Just In Case You Didn't Know...

I am a traveling speech-language pathologist... who travels by camper.

I drove from Ohio to California in 3 days with my mom.

I am currently located in southern California. 

I live with my pup, Zorro.

I celebrated Christmas this year in California with Zorro.

We love the beach. 

We love to hike. 

I love and miss my family. Especially my nephews. 

I miss Ohio, and maybe the snow (just a little).

I make resolutions every contract. Here are the ones for this contract: 
Exercise 3-4xs/week
Complete Dave Ramsey course
Get back on the folder system (for cash spending)
Pay and extra 1,000/month (minimum) toward student loans. 
Read the entire Harry Potter Series
Complete a 4 week bible study
Make a budget (and stick to it) every month! 
Get back into BSF (Bible Study Fellowship)

I'm here until April!


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