My Mam-ma

My mam-ma passed from this earth last night. She is now in heaven in total peace, waiting on us to come join her. My earthly heartbreak is indescribable, but I am so thankful I have a heavenly joy that she has found peace and comfort. Now that she is gone, so many wonderful memories are flooding through my mind, and I choose to remember all of these happy moments today. 

I choose to remember all of the times she and Pap-pa drove an hour to come to my band and chorus concerts, my sporting events and my other activities. I choose to remember going to their house for a week in the summer. I remember making friends with “the friendly cow” and “kitty” (their cat) and jumping from hay bale to hay bale in their backyard. I choose to remember Mam-ma letting me sleep in far longer than I was allowed at home, and making me oatmeal with graham crackers in it (is there really any other way?). I remember Mam-ma teaching me how to make the smoothest mashed potatoes and the creamiest scrambled eggs. I remember helping Mam-ma make her famous red velvet cake and cream cheese icing that she was famous for on Christmas Eve. I choose to remember the Christmases and Thanksgivings we spent at their house celebrating with the extended family, and I choose to remember our family traditions of going to Christmas Eve with her extended family. I remember that she would save all of her greeting cards so that I could do projects, and she had a basket of scissors, glue and tape waiting for me on the fireplace when I came. I choose to remember how proud she was of my accomplishments and of the art projects I made her. She passed with a picture I drew of a cat over her fireplace (we all think its funny and ironic because she really didn’t like cats) and a blanket that I made for her hung over her couch.

I choose to remember sitting at church and playing with the bumpy veins on her hands. And the small notebook and roll of mints she would always have in her purse to entertain us during the sermon. I choose to remember the times we spent at Hilton Head gathering seashells to make our projects when we got back to the house. I remember sitting on the porch in a white rocking chair listening to the ocean in the morning with Mam-ma still in her nightgown.

Mam-ma I am so glad your earthly body has found peace and that your soul is being renewed in heaven. I am going to miss you so much, but I am so thankful that God gave you to me for the time I had you. Thank you for all the lessons you have taught me and all the memories that I have. I love you Mam-ma, and I can’t wait to see you again in heaven.


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