Finalizing my plans! I have made copies of everything that I need to, started putting together the stuff I need AND I have continued reading about Europe! :) I am really excited, but I'm getting nervous!! I got my plane tickets, eurail pass, student ID card and passport in the mail all last week so I am really all set to go. I went to the bank and had to call and tell them ALL of the coutries that I would possibly be going to so that I could withdrawl from an ATM there, so we were on the phone for quite a while. :P But I deposited my last checks from Mcd's and from Harding (RAing) and I think I'm all set! I just hope I have enough to last me!

ALSO, mom has decided to come visit me in florence. She's going to come the second-third week of March on my second free travel and we're going to Switzerland, Ireland and Scottland! and then the second week when I'm in classes she'll tour flroence and maybe some of southern Italy. I'm excited that she'd coming and can bring extra stuff that I need, or stuff I forgot.. cough cough! lol but for real I think we'll have fun. I think we're going to rent a car for a couple of days and go up the coast of Ireland, staying at the traditional B&Bs along the way! It is definately going to be an adventure and I think we'll have alot of fun!


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