today in a nutshell.. :)

Today we had onsite class, we went to the Medici Chapel, the Meusem of San Marco, the Academia, and the Church of San Lorenzo. I'll mention some of the important sites we saw today, although i dont have pictures because most of the museums didn't allow pictures.. We saw the relics of Medicci, the statues, Night, day, Dawn, Dusk, and Mary and Baby Jesus, all done by Michelangelo. We saw the frescos done by Fra Angelico (including the last judgment, "The Last Supper" by Gilandaio, We saw THE DAVID, and some unfinished sculptures of prisoners by Michelangelo, the Bronze bust of Michelangelo done my Daniele, and also Michelangelo's St. Matthew.

So it was a pretty crazy day. We were touring all day long and then came back to Scandicci for sandwiches and Gelato. But I have an Italian quiz tomorrow and a Humanities quiz tomorrow so we've been studying all night! Its been crazy, but fun! I'll put some pics at the end of this post today but my Moleskine that we are taking all of our onsite class notes in is already getting pretty lengthy! lol.

 our first stop, where we saw dawn, dusk, night and day
 the Medicci chapel from the outside

 A little boy just playing in the park.. SO CUTE, chasing the birds. He said "Ciao" to me! :)

The San Marco monastery..


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