today... :)

No pictures today, but today we had class from 9-1:30, then lunch and then we went to a market in Scandicci, which sells some things that you wouldn't expect. Its really everything you can find at walmart but since they don't have a shop all walmart, they go there on Saturdays, so I forgot my camera but I promise to take it the next time we go to market! Then Lorenzo, the caretaker's son took us in the square and bought us gelato, this time I had chocolate and then he drove us in our car to the bible building so we got to see a different part of the city that we hadn't seen before and Lorenzo got to practice his English. Then after that we went to the bible building and really just chilled and talked and then we came on bus to the villa and we're getting ready to sit down to dinner. If I have time I'll write what we did after dinner but I think the Avanti people are coming for dinner and then we are going to have a "welcome party" :) I think it will be super fun and I borught my camera this time so if I take pictures I'll put some of them up :)


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