Sicily (from forever ago..)

Ok, so there is so much to catch up on! I dont even know where to begin.. I have been in Sicily, Italy for the past 5 days! I'll give you a run down on what we did!

Sunday: we left and took a bus to Pisa, and flew from Pisa to Palermo, Sicily. From there we went to a church, got gelato, and then went to this really creepy skeleton place. (No pictures, but I got a postcard, don't you worry!) Then from there we went to our hotel, by the beach of course (but this beach was REALLY dirty.. not much walking). That night we ate at the hotel, I might have eaten a whole fish, eyes and all and had some really fun times at the table I was sitting at, there might be video to follow, if i can get it from Abby! 

Monday: we left the hotel and teatro massimo and had some free time to eat lunch on the steps, and go glance around the market there. Then we got on a bus and headed to Agrigento and then that night took a tour of the temples and ruins there and learned ALOT  of information for just one night. 

Tuesday: We went to the national Archeological Museum in Agrigento and then ate lunch on this beautiful white rock called the "turkish steps" for lunch. After lunch we all piled in the bus and went to Taormina. That night before dinner we walked on the beach and climbed some cliffs in the dark (looking back, not the smartest move, but nevertheless, fun!) That night was dinner and they surprised Ashley for her b-day with a cake! and after dinner we had so much fun and played truth or dare until about 12:30! I really started to feel like I knew people in the group and we had SO much fun!

Wednesday: we went to the Hill and went to a church, two arenas and a beautiful park. Then we were released for free time for the rest of the day, so we went to a bar (coffee/sandwich place!!) and got a pizza and a gelato and then walked down a huge hill with gorgeous steps and a more georgeous view and then we all got our swimsuits on (and some of us had a shaving party because we had not done so since we had left america... cough cough..) and we went down to the beach, did some tanning and then about an hour and a half later the boys and some other girls came and we went cliff jumping (i will explain in greater detail later) and then we went back and i took a LONG bath because the Mediterranen is not the warmest in February, and then I sat on the deck and looked at the ocean and journaled and read my bible for a few hours, then went to dinner on the hill (if you want to know some funny details abou that-a-one, i will tell you when i get home :P ) Then we went to get some more gelato, went down the hill yet again, this time in the dark and then got back to the hotel. We then played pictophone (i watched because we got back in the middle) and then we played "things" which was epic! And we were up really late that night too!

Thursday (aka today): we left at 10 and went to the airport in Catania, and then flew to Pisa and took a bus back to Florence, had dinner and I've been uploading pics ever since.. Its been a crazy week but hopefully I gave you some fun memories!! :)


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