Grad School 101

A new chapter has started in my life, GRADUATE SCHOOL. Just to update, I graduated in May with my B.A. in Communication Sciences and Disorders from Harding University and now I have decided to stay at Harding and work on my Masters of Science in Speech- Language Pathology. 

To say the least, I am scared, nervous and excited, all at once. I have bitten off a lot and I might choke a few times but the plan is to chew and swallow before I finish these two years. Loads to do... so little time. As my brother Brent sent me in a text yesterday, "you have to learn everything you need to know in two year." EEEK!! That concept is totally daunting but also totally exciting! In two years, Lord willing, I will graduate! 

A few other changes that have happened in my life:
1. I have an adorable puppy named Zorro, he is 3 months old and weights about 2 1/2 lbs. Bless his heart. He is my constant companion and my very distracting study buddy. 

2. I have also moved into an apartment and am living about 5 minutes away from campus which is a very new experience that I love VERY much :)

3. I also have gotten a GA job through the theater department and when I am not studying, taking care of my dog and going to class, I will be working in my spiffy, yet very plain, office in the Reynolds Building. 

That is all for now but I will trying to blog about a few times a week to keep you all updated on my crazy work filled life. 

Peace and Blessings Ya'll :)

So do not fear, for I am with you; do not be dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen you and help you; I will uphold you with my righteous right hand. Isaiah 41:10


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