Taking One Day at a Time

The problem with grad school, is there is so much looming over you. So many papers, quizzes, tests, pages to read and journal articles to familiarize yourself with. When looking at the BIG picture, which I tend to do, A LOT of, there is so much to do. And I myself have only 24 hrs a day. (9 of which I prefer to be sleeping ;)) I know I know... sleep will be the first thing to go, and then friend time, and then "me" time, and eventually everything that defines me fades. You are having school, school, school drilled down your throat and there is no time for anything else. 

please NOTE: I go to a wonderful school where they do try not to do this. But lets be honest, its graduate school, it is going to happen

So how do you do it, how do you do everything you need to do for school, and still have time for yourself and for the people that are most important to you? Well.. I am still looking for an answer. But I think the answer lies somewhere in this promise that I have made to myself:

"No matter how stressed out I am, whether I am on top of the world or sitting in a corner crying my eyes out, I will look to God. I will always make time to spend with Him in His word and in prayer."

It will be ok if I don't always have the answer for the test or if I cut study time 15 minutes short to spend it with Him. Graduate school will be over in 2 years, and I will hopefully be ending it with some CCCs after my name (after my CF of course) but my relationship with God will be important for the rest of my life, and even after this life is over. 

So I promise will take one day at a time, with God by my side. I will try my hardest to finish the task that I, my teachers, and my God, have set before myself. And then at the end of the day (and hopefully all day long) I will reflect on how AWESOME my God is and how he is working in my crazy stressful life every single day. Praise God!

But I trust in your unfailing love; my heart rejoices in your salvation.
Psalm 13:5


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