The Busy-ness of Graduate School

I am convinced that Graduate school is not incredibly un-doable. It is just the fact: THERE ARE NOT ENOUGH HOURS IN THE DAY. There is just too much to do in such a short time of 24 stinkin' hours. So what do you do about that? Do you decide what is going to be the most pertinent? Do you just decide to do whats easy first and work your way up with difficulty level? Do you decide which class is worth more hours and focus all of your attention there? Or do you just mentally give up, sag on the couch and just watch some mind numbing TV after school?

Well let me tell you, after today I am ready for the last option and I think that sometimes it is a valid option and I will tell you why. You can't just GO, GO, GO and never take a breather and just sit. While watching the TV part probably might not be the greatest idea, the idea of a mental break from everything school related is an excellent one. Praise God that he made us like this, could you imagine if we never slept, we never needed to stop and we never got tired? Well today I am telling you that sounds wonderful! But then I think we would never appreciate the strength and support of our Savior. I think in these moments of mental and physical fatigue helps remind me how much I need God to rely on. PRAISE GOD that he made us like this! 

So even though I am weak and tired and might just need a short afternoon nap, I am reminded of how I need to rely on God for all things. 

"Though my heart and flesh may fail, there's an anchor for my soul, I can say it is well. Jesus has overcome and the grave is overwhelmed. The victory is won, He has risen from the dead. I will rise when he calls my name, no more sorrow, no more pain. I will rise on eagle's wings..."

I thank God for all the experiences to come and ask Him to help me have the strength to carry on, to rise above it all on His wings. How awesome is that??

  Seek the LORD and his strength; seek his presence continually. 1 Chronicles 16:11


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