God Working in Us!!

Well today was a very boring today. Besides going scrub/shoe/professional clothes shopping I did nothing but study neurology. wooohooo!

But let me tell you, in my delirium, (and it is that) I have been studying developmental neurology. Basically how, from birth the neurological system develops and grows. How all of these cells multiply and then how everything fuses together to make this perfectly working human being. And unfortunately we are learning about when this goes wrong. When something along this huge complicated process one little bitty thing goes wrong. How disastrous that can be!

I read this chapter (chapter 4 in case you were curious) and think how awesome it is that our bodies know how to do this. When we are just cells but we are slowly forming, growing and living. How awesome is our God? He planned this all. I think that this is amazing how our God knows each of us, when we are just a little zygote, not even a week old. Crazy thinking. And that He has planned how we are going to form. I know I am not even adequately expressing my amazement at how this whole plan just fits together and I know, sometimes things don't go just as expected but think how many times they do! The odds of that happening with each little step that has to be done for a zygote to deveolpe into an embryo into a fetus, WOW!! God really knew what he was doing when he planned out how everything in this world would work, especially how we would be created in our mother's womb. Our God is awesome!!

“Before I formed you in the womb I knew you, and before you were born I consecrated you; I appointed you a prophet to the nations.” 

Jeremiah 1:5


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