Completion... for now

It is nice to know that everything is done, well in reality not everything is done... BUT my meetings with my 3 clinical educators are done done done. Now on to therapy. This next week I will have 3 clients in the HUSC (Harding University Speech Clinic) that I am so excited about. I can't tell you about them, because of HIPAA (of course), but I know that they will touch my life in such a special way and that they will make me a better student clinician and person. Yay for God using people in our lives to do that!

God has put so many people in my life that are a blessing. So many teachers, fellow students, family member, people I work with etc. have all been put in my life by God and I know he will use them all to teach me such valuable lessons through my walk through graduate school and through my walk in life!! WOOHOO!

Every good and perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father of the heavenly lights, who does not change like shifting shadows.

James 1:17


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