Meditating in Grad School

Sometimes you will just have the days that you are let down. Disappointed with your own abilities and knowledge. Where your brain can't hold anymore information and you are still trying to shove a whole pile in there. It's rough. What do you do though? If you take a nap you lose so much more time that could have been studying... If you go to work than you are too tired afterwards for any attempt at studying... If you continue studying nothing sinks in... Its a hard place to be, between and rock and a hard place. You just want to bang your head on the table and cry cry cry. Trust me I am there right now...

I still am trying to figure out the answer. I guess right now where I have found the most success is to just STOP. Just stop and shut everything out. Close your eyes and focus on your breathing. If you can go outside, I know that being around nature helps!

Breathe, Breathe, Breathe. Think about nothing but the air going in and out of your lungs. You will know when to stop. You will feel the difference in yourself. The calm descending over you. That is God's peace. Then, what I do anyway, is you take a few moments and praise God for all that he has blessed you with. Remind yourself of everything that you can do because God has blessed you with the ability. Then turn right around and focus on what you are doing, knowing that your work is praising the God who made you!

  • The LORD gives strength to his people; the LORD blesses his people with peace.
    Psalm 29:11


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