Preparing is Fun... Waiting is Hard

So I am all prepped for my first day of therapy this week! woohoo!! I went and bought some fancy new scrubs at the Scrub Hub (Love Love Love the lady there that owns it, she is so precious!!) and then went to the Shoe Dept. and got me a nice new pair of nikes to wear with the scrubs (and hopefully to encourage me to exercise). So now all there is to do is wait. (oh yeah, and study for neurology)...

Neuro, Neuro, Neuro... I know it is necessary and is going to make me a better clinician, but MAN alive. This stuff is hard to wrap my brain around (pun intended). There are so many terms to know so many diagrams to memorize and so many responses to prep for. Yes I know... you will get it... but you know right now I am avoiding, I will be the first person to tell you. I have plenty of time to study, the test is on thursday, and yet I don't. OOOO man. Ok I am going to go do what I gotta do, but I do not have to be happy about it ;)

I can do all this through him who gives me strength.  
Phil 4:13


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