Still Alive... Barely

So sorry it has been so long since I have posted. I promise I am still alive... but only barely. We took our first Neurology test yesterday and it was a BEAST. And our Soap Notes and Lesson Plans are due today for the first week of therapy and they were a beast to type  up as well.. But never fear. I have them all done, and I am ready to go to the fair tonight!! Wooohoo!!

I have been studying non-stop all week long and my apartment has gone to the dogs.. literally with Zorro. So yesterday I cleaned up everything and did laundry and the dishes and so today I am going to work my GA hours go to class and then take the night off and have some fun!! I am so excited for those deep fried oreos and some funnel cake!! yes please!

Anyway I meant to write this long thing about what I had been pondering on last Sunday, but you know neurology took over my life, so I am going to do it now. :)

We sang two songs during downtown night service on sunday that I wanted to share and reflect on.


Hide me now
Under Your wings
Cover me
Within Your mighty hand

When the oceans rise and thunders roar
I will soar with You above the storm
Father you are King over the flood
I will be still, know You are God

Find rest my soul
In Christ alone
Know His power
In quietness and trust

When the oceans rise and thunders roar
I will soar with You above the storm
Father You are king over the flood
I will be still, know You are God

"Cleanser of the Mess I've Made"

Oh cleanser of the mess I've made
Upon the hill our places trade
Stretched on a cross Your body crushed
By human hands You formed from dust

How wonderful Your mercy is
How awesome are Your ways
I come, I come
To worship You
For all You've done

Oh cleanser of the mess I've made
Your boundless love for me portrayed
With patience for my learning curve
By holding back what I deserve

Oh cleanser of the mess I've made
With everything at Your feet laid
I watch as all my cares erode
And from my soul these words explode

First I want to talk about the part that says "Find rest my soul, In Christ alone, Know His power, In quietness and trust." I just love that. I know my soul is very unrestful and I know that when I do try to find rest and peace it is usually not in Christ Alone. It is usually in TV or sleep. I need to remember that when life gets its busiest or when my soul is in turmoil that I need to rely on Him and Him only and find the peace that only he can give me.

The second part that I want to talk about is "
With patience for my learning curve, 
By holding back what I deserve." How awesome is it that God knows exactly what we need to learn and knows exactly how to help us learn it. I was thinking about supervisors and how they really don't know what you're thinking. They don't know where you are at with you knowledge of different subjects and sometimes it is hard and frustrating to work with someone professionally when they assume you know more than you do or they assume you know nothing when you do. And I just think that it is so cool that you never have to do this with God. You never have to sit him down and say, "this is what I need to succeed as a Christian in life" HE KNOWS!! and he is giving you situations and putting people in your life to help you succeed everyday!! How awesome is that? I love how he has it all figured out and he has the patience to wait and help us figure it out by giving (OR NOT GIVING) what we need in order to learn.

And we know that God causes all things to work together for good to those who love God, to those who are called according to His purpose.
Romans 8:28


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