The PSYCH-OUT of Grad School

Here is my grad school lesson of the day: Grad school is trying to psych you out. And you can't let it. 

Repeat after me... "So many people have done this before, and so many people will after me. It is going to be ok, and I am going to survive" now rinse and repeat 50 million times in the next two year. But for real.

We are "staffing" our clients this week with out Clinical Educators (CE) and I was feeling great about it. I was prepared and ready to go, and I go in today to just review my chart before Monday and walk out feeling so psyched out. Everyone is asking "what are you going to do?" "how do I do this?" "Are they going to ask me this?" Things that I didn't even consider. And now I am feeling totally nervous and stressed and praying that half those things don't happen.

I think now is the time that I close my eyes, and remember how much I have prepared for this meeting. That I am ready and willing for all of the constructive criticism that my CE will give me and that God is right beside me supporting me and loving me with His unconditional love. If I happen to stumble He is going to pick me right up and I will continue because... repeat after me... "So many people have done this before, and so many people will after me. It is going to be ok, and I am going to survive"

I am actually going to add to that quote and I feel that it will be so much more effective these next two years:
"So many people have done this before, and so many people will after me. God is standing right beside me loving me through all of this. It is going to be ok, and I am going to survive and praise God!"

I am so glad that I have such a strong support group, I mean I having a loving family and some REALLY great friends that God has blessed me with, but more importantly I have a living savior who is near me everywhere I go.

My prayer today is that God accompany me all week, like He always does, but that I remember it. And take comfort in the fact that no matter how awful this week might be that He is beside me loving me through it all.

The LORD himself goes before you and will be with you; he will never leave you nor forsake you. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged.

Deuteronomy 31:8 


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