Pictures Are Worth a Thousand Words

They say that pictures are worth a thousand words so I thought that this blog I would dedicate to be just pictures of the past few days and the babies I have had. I have tried to take some selfies to make some memories with some special kids! I have included subtext so you are not totally confused about what's going on and what their names are. (Although they are probably not spelled correctly! sorry, terrible speller!)

My buddy Deacon hanging out at boondoos time :)

Chabilo is one of our swallowing girls :) Shes a cutie with the biggest smile ever :)

Evelyn whos emotions flucuate with the wind. But we love her!

Esther, she always has that tongue out! 

Another chitangee picture with my love, Aggie!

Chalala is a girl with an attitude that I had in the morning. Love her! She just stared at me for the whole morning. Eventually I got a laugh out of her once she had woke up! 

Chalala.. there she is again. Lovin' life. 

Vera! She is the happiest baby ever, she is the only kid that they have had that has made the decision to change Havens. They said that one day she just walked over to Haven 1, and started follwing their routine. She leaves her Haven (the baby haven) every morning and goes to the big kid haven (haven 2). She is a mess and a hoot. Love her! 

James. He is a cutie that I had at boondoo times today! Love him. He is around 18 months old and is just as happy as can be! 

Joelo. This is who I have for individual therapy. He is such a sweetheart and one of my favorites! Love him! 

Helen. You have to work to get a smile, but when you do it's worth it! She came and said hi to me in the morning. :)

Deeta. Another one you have to work for a smile. She loves the "Get Up and Dance" song that I sang. That morning we probably sang it 50 times. But she was eating it up :)

Aggie.. the baby that has stolen my heart! Love her!

Another Aggie and Jessica selfie :)

One of the Aunties wanted me to take a picture of her with baby Aggie! :)


  1. These are all absolutely precious, and I know you will hang on to them forever! I hope you continue to feel better so that you can fully enjoy the next 3 weeks :) How is Chabilo doing with her swallowing? And really any of the babies with their swallowing? I love hearing about all the wonderful things y'all are doing, so I was curious as to how they were all progressing since you have been there for a few weeks. I've had 2 babies in the NICU who have been able to go home, and even though I didn't want to see them go, it was so rewarding to see how much they progressed. Keep soaking it up and loving all those precious souls like I know you are! :)

  2. Are you getting lots of swallowing experience? I have not come across this yet. One of the other SLPs sees some of the babies for swallowing, so my supervisor said I may get to see some of that if our schedule allows. I bet that feels so rewarding to know you are helping a baby with something as vital as nutrition! Keep the photos coming and share any experiences with swallowing you get!

  3. Hey Jess! I love seeing all these pictures and being able to match a face with a name for these babies! I noticed that Chabilo has her hand in her mouth. Although I am not sure where she started at, I know this is a good thing for swallowing treatment! I have one of my caseload that looks about the same age, but he is what we call "orally defensive" and will not even put his hand or a toy in his mouth. It is one of our goals for him to do that this semester. What are some of Chabilo's goals? I love seeing how therapy there and therapy here overlap! Keep up the great work girl :) Sending love your way!


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