Sunday Activities

5/25/14 @ 10:00pm
Today was a restful Sunday. We went to George Benson Auditorium just down the road again. We helped out with class today and I hung out with my main man, Deacon. I will share a picture of him today. After church was over we came back to the Hamby house where B.Weave lives and had communion because some people got skipped while we were doing the class. After that I was on lunch preparation duty but Emmett took care of preparing lunch so I sat and watched him. I will explain Emmett at a further time. Possibly tonight if I don't fall asleep writing this blog. After lunch I read some of my book, The Book Thief. If any of you need a book recommendation it is excellent, I am almost finished with it! Then I fell asleep and took a good 2ish hour nap. My housemate Taylor woke me up to go to a futbol game. I might have scared her a little bit, I think I was dreaming that I was being chased or something and when she woke me up I screamed. It was traumatic for the both of us. 

The college boys from saturday night invited us to a soccer (futbol) game at the college, which is about a 5 minute walk down the road. We got there and, of course, stuck out like a sore thumb. We sat with some boys that Taylor had met the other night but then Emmett came and so we decided to sit with him since he brought mats for us to sit on. We enjoyed a whole half before we had to leave for dinner. The "Pirates" (thats us!) were ahead 1-0! They ended up winning, but I don't know the final score. I heard that the team they were playing is a big deal. They are from outside of Livingstone and are 3rd regional champs (not exactly sure what that means). From there we trudged to dinner and then to night church in the same place as morning church. We had a quick meeting in our house with everyone about documentation of therapy and now we are having the infamous "quiet time" in our living room. Any questions? Lol. Sorry the rundown is so abrupt, but the eyelids are getting heavy.

Oh one more thing to note, I will not be doing therapy tomorrow because there is a possibility that I am still contagious, but after tomorrow I should be back at the Haven doing what I love. Peace and Blessings! 

Oh Emmett- Ok really short. I will have to get a picture to share with you later of Emmett. He has been living here for a while. I think 2 years in Zambia and he is a geophysicist among other things. He has been to law school as well and I am pretty sure he also has a few more degrees as well. He is American. And I should also note that he was the first one to diagnose me with HFMD. I have had some really interesting conversations with Emmett. He was telling us about his life. He goes overseas and lives until his money runs out and then he comes back to America to make/save money. According to him, he doesn't quite fit in in America. In a different conversation he asked us some really thought provoking questions that I will now ask you: "What was the last verse that you read in the Bible?" and "When was the last time you talked to a non-christian about Jesus' love?" 


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