Elephant ride, Shopping and a Sunset Cruise

Well today was full of adventures as well! This morning we got up just as early as yesterday, which I was NOT excited about... BUT it was for a good cause! I got to RIDE AN ELEPHANT!! It was amazing as you can tell by the pictures:

Also it was wonderful because we got back at 9:30 which was earlier than we thought we would and so we got a second breakfast. We then went to a small market that is just a really short walk from the hotel and got a few things but we still needed things from the bigger market... so we just did it. We got a taxi in Zambia! Pretty sure that we got swindled a little bit, but I suppose you pay for the experience. They don't have meters so it's negotiable before you leave. We didn't realize that so we negotiated on the way there... Not the best of ideas... lol. We got what we needed at the market and then walked about a mile down the road to a place called the Zambezi Cafe which prepared traditional Africa dishes! I got my last dose of nshima and had some goat as well. Thats right... GOAT! When we got back we still had plenty of time before we had to get ready so we spent and hour and a half at the pool and then got ready to dinner on the sunset cruise, or as our taxi driver said "the booze cruise." Since we were with Harding we didn't drink alcohol but it was unlimited drinks for 3 hours on the water so some people were taking advantage! Here are some pictures of the beautiful sunset though! 

The food left something to be desired... It was really fancy but it was just very very very very small portions. So we got back about 6:30 and went to a pizza place to get some food in us. Now we are all at the hotel packing our little hearts out. You know me... I am a planner, so I am already packed and ready to go! We are waking up tomorrow and having breakfast and then leaving at checkout time for the airport! We will be on the plane for a considerable time but in one long day I will be landing at the Akron/Canton airport and seeing my familia!! Woohoo!!


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