Our Safari Day!!

Today was another exciting adventure.. Although it did start a little too early for my taste! We got up at 6:40 today to rush to the lobby of our hotel to be there at 6:50. Bus was loaded and ready to go at 7! We then drove about 50 minutes to the border. As one of the people on our bus stated, it looked like the bourne identity. Sketch to the max and probably with some illegal dealings going on. There were lines and lines of semis waiting to cross the river on a barge/ferry. 

We got there and parked and got out of the bus. I still remember what the man who drove us said, "Get all your stuff off the bus, you will not see it again!" Eeek! So then we went through Zambian customs which was no big deal. They didn't even look at my picture. And we took a very very small tin boat across the river. Let me tell you... That was nerve racking! 

When we landed we were officially in Botswana. DCT pointed out something really cool, from our vantage point in Botswana you could see the coast of Zimbabwe, Zambia, and Namibia!  Then we went through the immigration office in Botswana which again was not a big deal. Shady and dirty but not a big deal! It is interesting, since Botswana is a huge country for cattle you have to drive through a muddy puddle that has chemicals mixed into it to kill any traces of foot and mouth disease. Also after going through immigration you have to stand on a dirty gross ugly mat that has chemicals in it to kill all of the germs on the bottom of your shoes. I'm not thouroughly convinced of the effectiveness of this practice... haha! It was yet another sketchy experienc! From there we were taken to a lovely resort where we got to use the restroom services before boarding a boat. We then took a cruise down the Chobe river which feeds eventually into the Zambezi river. It was a wonderful experience and we saw so many cool animals! 

To name a few:

A Huge lizard thing


And More Hippos!!


Then after the river cruise it was time for lunch which was a wonerful buffet! 

 Then we went and safari-ed in Chobe National Park! I was peeing and so I got last seat choice so I had to sit in the copilot seat... It was actually ok, and I got some sun! And saw more animals!!

We then took the 50 minutes ride back to our hotel with a screaming child. It seemed like hours! Then in a few minutes we left to go to eat at the Ocean Basket which was delicious! And then I got a coffee milkshake at the Kabu Cafe and a muffin to go for breakfast in the morning! Tomorrow I get to ride elephants and go on the sunset cruise!! :))


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