Sunday at Kasibi

This morning we went Kasibi church of Christ. The road was about a 45 minute drive out in the bush, and since the road was so bad we took a Land Cruiser and two other SUVs. I drove the Land Cruiser. Thats right I drove the Land Cruiser... In the bush... In Africa... Dream achieved! This is a picture of Destry a 15 year old who came over with one of our supervisor's husband for the last few weeks. He got to give the sermon. The man beside him translated his sermon into English. He did such a great job! 

This is a picture of Kasibi coC. We sang two songs to them in Tonga and the last one they loved so much that we sang it again. It was a song that Webster composed himself and so they had never heard it before. They loved it! 

This is a panorama that Caitlyn took. This is us outside of the church, and that is Cakie Jackie, the Land Cruiser that I drove. 

This is us loading up the Land Cruiser with children to drive them down the road to Leonard's house. They all trampled each other trying to get on it was quite scary and funny all at the same time. 

This is me... DRIVING THEM ALL!! :)

This is Leonard's house. He cooked us a traditional Zambian meal of Nshima and rice with chicken and rolls. It was scrumuous, although slightly awkward. We kind of sat on the porch while everyone watched us eat. But we were assured that they all go home after the festivities and eat. 

This boy came up to me and asked if we could have a picture taken together. 

This is us enjoying our food! I didn't warn people I was taking a picture so sorry for the funny faces ;)

These kids lined up to get punch that these men provided for all of them. 

Yep there was a band... And then a Congo line formed going around the band. We all ended up joining at the end of the day. It was so much fun! 

This is the band. Mostly of handmade instruments, a bass, two drums and a xylophone type instrument made with bottle caps. 

ME! Driving the land cruiser!

One of the pictures of the road that we drove on! 

Picture of some houses that we passed on our way back home. 

Webster and I had a photo shoot last night... As you can tell it was really productive ;) lol


  1. How fun! I love all the pictures! can't believe you drove kaki jackie. That is awesome! I love how much culture you have gotten to experience. Whats been your favorite thing about their culture? I hope you're enjoying the last little bit. This is my last week of offsite and I can't believe it! It's crazy how fast it's gone and how much I have learned. I have worked with some pretty great kids and a wonderful supervisor. I can't wait to tell y'all about my experience and to get to hear about all of yours!


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