Victoria Falls and the Royal Livingstone High Tea!!

Today was full of adventures! We did some pretty fun things. The first of which was wake up and have an amazing breakfast here at the Protea. It was great! The second was to go to Victoria Falls, a few minutes down the road. When we were parked and DCT was getting our tickets to the falls we ended up seeing a huge baboon come and jump in a truck with people in it and take their food. It was quite scary and defintely encouraged us to not bring food with us on the walk to the falls!!

Now for those of you who don't know all of us chickens were haboring a secret. Our friend Sarah who is on this trip as well was getting engaged! Her future hubby flew from the US and got here last night. He then proceeded to wait until she was taking a picture on the rock right by the falls to let her know that he was in Africa at all. Then he got down on one knee and asked her to marry him. In Africa. At Victoria Falls. It was wonderful. Here is a snapshot that I got of the special occasion! 

Then we of course took pictures above victoria falls and then went into the gorge and took some pictures there... That is when we weren't getting soaked! :)

Then we hiked to "the boiling point" which is where a river runs into the Zambezi river and creates a huge eddy in the water. The hike was supposedly 15 minutes down and 25 minutes back... But questionable about the times that we actually achieved. Here is a picture :)

After that we went back to the hotel and got some food at a nearby burger joint. And did a little shopping, took a shower and then did a little more shopping. Then about 4 we went to the royal livingstone hotel for high tea. I got the Lemon Bush tea and it was divine. 

We then stayed to watch the sunset. While we were waiting.... we crossed the path of Zebras!!! 

And Monkeys!! This is Chris offering to shake hands with one.. This is not recommended ;)

Then I got some introvert bench time while we waited! It was wonderful!

And here we are!! 

 After the sunset a man came and asked if we saw the crocodile on the bank of the river so we also got to see that!! 

Now tomorrow we are safari-ing!! Woohoo!! But that requires a 6:40am wake-up call so I am off to bed!! Ta Ta! 


  1. Love the pictures! I can't believe the proposal! That is so awesome! I saw it on my newsfeed on a break at offsite and I was so excited! I'm glad y'all have lots of internet now. I love the pictures and hearing about your adventures! Keep the pictures coming. Stay safe and come back soon! Praying for y'all!


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