Preparation for Finding a Traveling Company

I want to to help anyone who is making this same journey with me. The whole process of becoming a travel therapist can be super confusing and overwhelming. So here is the timeline that I have developed for myself:

  • *9 MONTHS PRE* I started my search for a company. And let me tell you that is almost a full time job. If you put your contact information on certain sights you will be BOMBARDED with companies. I decided to do this and see who contacted me. 
  • *9-6 MONTHS PRE* For the next 2-3 months I had many conversations with MANY recruiters from LOTS of companies. I talked to most of them on the phone and had a list of questions that I asked each of them about. (Blog post to follow regarding specific questions). 
  • *6 MONTH PRE* After these many questions and contacts I found 3 recruiters that I really like and respect. They all work for different companies, all of which have some differences but basically offer similar things. I decided to play the field. Judge me if you will. I have been very honest with these recruiters. Basically I have decided that it will be beneficial to have all three companies look for my first job so that I can have a vast choice of opportunities. And basically, whoever finds me my first job (that offers enough money and is in a location that I would like) that's the one that I will go with for the time being. A little healthy competition never hurt anyone, right?
  • *6-3 MONTHS PRE* During this time (this is where I am now in the process) I am deciding what states I want to apply for licenses. I have decided that I need to apply for about 4 state licenses for the beginning year to make my choices broader. I will already have a South Carolina license for the first year, and I am planning on applying for licenses in the following states: Ohio, Texas, Indiana, and Tennessee. 
  • *3 MONTHS PRE* This is about the mark when my recruiters will start to look for job opportunities. They have said that 3 months might be a little early, but that it will probably be closer to 2 months before I know where I am going and what jobs are available to me. 

So basically I have the best excel spread sheet known to man, and I am just waiting… I will be starting my new job in June, so I have plenty of time. I am so ready to be near my family and get some hiking/adventuring done for the first year. Then the next year  the possibilities are endless... I am thinking California is on my list and maybe Colorado :)

I just love how there are innumerable possibilities. I am so excited for this adventure, praying for easy packing, carefree adventuring and soaking up all that Myrtle Beach has to offer before I leave!


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