Continuing on the Journey...

I am crazy, I have decided. Who does this... Who puts their life on hold, and puts everything in storage... Who "moves" back in with their parents... Who gives up life at the beach....Well quite obviously I do! I have decided to live life to the fullest... I have decided to fly by the seat of my pants... I have decided to travel the United States... I have decided to expand my skills and gather experience as I go... I have decided to be a traveling therapist!! 

And so the journey continues.. I am now 115 days out... WOAH! So I have been crazy busy planning. I have been in contact with my recruiters and continue to ask them questions since I (of course) have a bunch! One of the companies I am considering has asked me to fill out an application and answer some skill questions. Give permission for a drug test and a background check and all that fun stuff. This is all becoming more real!


It has been difficult because all of the experience I have with adults comes from my graduate placements so I have felt a little out of my water answering questions about assessments and diagnoses on these skill questionnaires. BUT I feel confident that whatever experience I don't have I will learn quickly. I feel very confident in my skills and what I had learned in graduate school. Also, I have bought a year subscription with and I have been learning non-stop following the SIG 13 group (dysphagia) and I have bene reading countless research articles and studies. I am excited to put all of this "book knowledge" into practice. This is why I am doing traveling. I will grow and stretch and probably be stressed, but it will be an experience that is not to be measured! 


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