My First Offer

So I am still 2 months out from my start day (a little more actually) and I got a call on Friday. There are two jobs that she wants to submit me for! This is so exciting! So in case you are curious of how the "getting the job" process works, heres how it works at this company. 

1. Get a super excited call from you recruiter with a job opportunity!! 
2. Talk to the manager at the company your recruiter works at that is over the region where the job is.
3. The manager goes through and explains the details of the contract- where they are, guaranteed hours, expected work at the job, etc. Then asks if you want to be submitted for those jobs. 
4. If you say YES, then he/she submits your resume, references and name to the particular job sites.
5. Then the company can call you directly (she said that happens a lot) or they can set up a phone interview with the manager to talk to me. 

Now after the interview process, I don't really know the process yet. I will keep you posted. I wonder what questions you should ask during an interview for traveling. Maybe I should make a list. Goodness, I LOVE LISTS! 


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