A New Normal

I think the hardest part of traveling so far has been finding my new normal. For those of you who don't know, I had quite a bumpy start last week into traveling. I showed up to a job that had already been filled and quickly had to find a replacement position across the state. I knew going into traveling that I would need to be flexible, but WOAH was I in for a shock at how flexible I would need to be!

Luckily, I showed up for a job last Monday and crazy enough I had a job. Except... (not a good word in these circumstances) there was another SNF (Skilled Nursing Facility) down the road that had no SLP (and where I was supposed to work already had 2). So they asked if I would be willing to work at that facility until their travel SLP came (who was having some difficulty with licensure). So being the flexible person that I know I need to be I agreed. I worked in this beautiful small facility to 3.5 days until the new SLP showed up. Then I got transferred back to the facility where I showed up originally. So I have actually been working at my "current" job for about 1.5 days. The SLPs at this facility are very nice, and I am actually excited to have someone to bounce ideas off of. This facility is HUGE and has a track and vent unit (very limited number of SNFs have that). So I will be getting great guidance and good experience. But EEK! Its been a whirlwind!

What about housing you might ask?
Weeeelllll that is a good question! Housing is harder to find than I thought with a dog in a weekend. (hah!) So I thought I had found a beautiful houseshare that would work out but when I went to talk to the lady I would be sharing with dogs weren't allowed and she only had space for about 3 weeks and then I would have to find something else. So I was back to square one. It's kinda crazy how this all worked out. On Sunday morning when I had decided that I would send Zorro home with my parents, take this 3 week rental and then make other decisions I got another call. It was a very sweet lady who had a basement studio rental available. It wouldn't be available until July 1 though (3 weeks away). But she also has 3 cabins that she rents for the summer. I was welcome to stay in the cabin for the first few weeks and then transfer to the studio. And I would get to keep Zorro!! <3 So I decided to go for it! It is a little bit of a commute (45 minutes)... but that is what I was planning on making in Boston and this is much less traffic!!

So my mom had plans to come out and meet me to get Zorro since I didn't think I could keep him. But have no fear! She still came, helped me unpack all my stuff and explored the area while I was at work. She took me through all the highlights and the places I needed to see. She's a regular tour guide... you should hire her ;) So here are some pictures of the adventures so far.

Next week will be my first full week at the facility I am supposed to be at so hopefully I will be better adjusted. Since I am in the middle of so many cool areas, I have plans to visit lots of places while I am here. I will of course post pictures! :)

 These three pictures are of the area where I am living. There is a lake in their backyard and it is beautiful. They also have a water trampoline and boats/kayaks that I welcome to use. It is pretty awesome! 

 Selfie with Joyce. She was showing me a place that she visited with Zorro that she thought I might like. Very pretty "beach" area on a lake! 

 We had a fancy dinner looking over the lake. It was beautiful! 

 And in good girl fashion, we got our toes done! 

 These are all from our trip up Mt. Greylock (about 30 minutes from my work). We drove up so that we could see the sunset over the mountains. I don't know if you can tell, but it is gorgeous!! 

 Zorro and I did a little exploring of our own this weekend after Grammie (aka Joyce) left. We were very sad to see her go but she gave us a good list of things to explore! 

 Zorro and I even found a waterfall that Joyce hadn't discovered (GASP!) 

Thanks for following! More updates to follow, I am sure! 


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