Being Alone

I am alone. I travel alone. I sleep alone. I go to work alone. I eat dinner alone.


Websters dictionary defines me as "separated from others" or "exclusive of anyone or anything else."

I am reminded during these two weeks of travel that life can be very lonely. There are people at work, people at the store, people at the restaurant, people in line for ice cream, and yet you can feel all alone.

This is going to a tough one with travel. I am going to have to learn to appreciate the ability to sit in a coffee shop alone or learn how to a restaurant and eat alone. This is going to be one of my self-building exercises with travel. It's ok to feel alone. It's ok to be alone. Being alone does not mean you are not loved. It does not mean you don't have friends. It does not mean that your family is not there for you. It just means for the time being, you don't have any humans to hang with.

I think my feelings of loneliness, stems from my struggles with anxiety. I haven't pinpointed why I am anxious, but I am a naturally anxious person. I don't like to be alone. I don't like to be in uncomfortably situations. I don't like for people to think that I am "weird" or an "outcast."

Cast all your anxiety on Him, for he cares for you. 
1 Peter 5:7

I knew that traveling would push my limits and help me discover things about my self. I have prayed that this experience open my eyes and that it help me realize more about myself. I have also prayed that in discovering these things that it will help me build my relationship with God, and help my rely on him more.

My prayers are being answered. 

"So do not fear, I am with you; do not be dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen you and help you; I will uphold you with my righteous hand."
Isaiah 41:10


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