
Last week I had a family reunion in which most of my family members asked. "Do you know where you are going next?" to which I replied "no." "Oh, so when will you know?" and I answered "probably not for about a month or a month and a half." Lies. Sorry fam. I didn't know at the time, but the perfect opportunity would just plop in my lap a little earlier than expected and not quite in the area I was thinking I would be spending the months of October to December. Ok. So the long awaited news. I am going to CRISFIELD, MARYLAND for my next assignment! THE CRAB CAPITAL OF THE WORLD. I included some pictures... in case you are a visual learner :)

I am so excited for this opportunity. For those of you who don't know, I have been looking to make a step into acute care (working in a hospital). This can be very hard to do without experience. So this was my compromise. This tiny community has a 20 bed hospital, and outpatient clinic and a skilled nursing facility. And I will be working in all three!

The town of Crisfield is beautiful and rather small. Google puts the population at a whopping 2,630. It is located on the "eastern shore" of Maryland. But is on the bay side. I will be about 45 minutes from Ocean City, MD, about 2 hours from Virginia Beach and about 3 hours from Washington D.C. I see a lot of day trips in my future.

In case you were curious, I did go with another company. I will be switching from Advanced Medical to Aureus Medical for this assignment. Advanced didn't do anything wrong, Aureus was just the one who brought me the job and saw me through the interview and acceptance process. Also, I do not have a license in Maryland. So that is on my high priority to do list. Depending on the state it can take about 2 months to process, so it is crunch time to get it all done before my start date on September 25th.

Please pray for me to find affordable housing that isn't a crazy drive away. Also pray for my licensing process to go smoothly and get submitted, approved and returned in time. Thank you always for following me on my journey and I will keep you posted as I continue!


  1. Wow! Great travel adventures. I like small communities and of course they will love you. Thinking about the expense of licensing in so many states!

    1. It is quite expensive, but whatever state you work in the company reimbursed you for that license. So some I will end up paying out of pocket but some will be reimbursed :)

  2. Praying for your license to be processed quickly! I had a difficult time with SC when I started with Genesis Rehab! It took over 2+ months to actually start practicing speech when I moved from NC!

  3. I love reading your blogs!! No matter where ever you end up you will do amazing thing! We miss Ms.Jess and love to see your pictures on Facebook!! Maryland is an awesome state and some awesome people come from there(My family and I ��). Happy to see your happy and doing what you love!!! ❤️ Tori, Addison & Annabelle

    1. Haha! I can't wait to explore your lovely state! Miss you and your family <3


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