The Adventure Continues!

I was counting the weeks until I leave here, and trust me there aren't many left. I have 5 more weeks until I leave this place that has become my home. It's crazy that in such a short amount of time I have grown to love these hills, this lake and the people I have met along my journey. But now the adventure continues...

Some of my prayers have actually already been met-- God is good, all the time. All the time, God is good. I have already found housing!! I have put a deposit on this beautiful rental suite located directly in Crisfield (NO COMMUTING! PRAISE!!). It is by the water (you all know how water fuels my soul) and it is owned by the sweetest couple. It's a lot like the situation I have now where they will be living above me but I will have my own private entrance and space. I attached some pictures of the place (they also rent it on Airbnb, so I grabbed the pictures from off of there).

The application for my license is going... I forgot how many things there are are to do. I have to get all the states I hold a license in (or have ever held a license in) to send a letter to Maryland telling them my license is in good standing. I also have to be fingerprinted (but have to wait for Maryland to send me to fingerprinting card), get a letter from ASHA about my good standing, get my application notarized, and take a test on the laws relating to speech therapy in Maryland. Whew! I need to remember to get my next job in a state that I hold a license!

I am looking forward to my parents coming in a few weeks to visit me. I am excited to show them around my little corner of the world. And in a few more weeks we are going to VEGAS!! There is a conference every year for traveling nurses and therapists. I am soooo attending!! And I am dragging Joyce and Mark along for the Las Vegas funsies! These next few months are going to go by quickly... But it is truly going to be an adventure!

View from the back porch. I believe you walk out from the kitchen and this is your view
The porch... With a grill and sitting area :) 

Zorro's bed.. HAHA! Has a trundle underneath as well! 

I believe this in in the room with the trundle. 

The master bedroom with MY bed :) 

The kitchen-- no stove but they have a toaster oven, Keurig, stove top and microwave :) 

Sitting room/Dining room. With a perfect view of the water! 


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