“Finding the Starting Line” (from TravelCon2017)

1. Gain Experience and Education
 -at least 6 month-2 years of experience before starting travel is ideal. 

2. Get Organized and Prepare
Things to do:
-Stay consistent with your address
-Check expiration dates of licenses
-Immunizations/Health Records

Things to think about:
-Road Side Assistance
-Travel Insurance
-Mail Forwarding
-Health Insurance

3. Build your travel portfolio
Make a file folder
1. immunizations, driver’s license, SS card,
2. Resume, reference
3. Make digital copies.

4. Research Travel Companies & Recruiters
-personal interaction is best
-word of mouth/personal reference is best
-online discussions
-cold calls to companies to ask questions
*Remember if you like the company and have difficulties relating to the recruiter you can always request another recruiter if necessary.

4.5 Apply for state licenses
I added this step. This is the point where (after asking recruiters their states with high job numbers) I chose 4-6 states to apply for additional licenses. I went ahead and did this before even looking at actual jobs. For ASHA at least you want to apply for as many as you can at the beginning because then you don’t have to state verification from all the states that you are currently applying to. I did this about 3-4 months before starting to actively look for a job. 

5. Research Area/Location
-RV parks
-job availabilities

6. Choose an Assignment
-by interview time you should be reasonably certain you will take the job—don’t waste people’s time
-additional requirements the facility has
-skills checklist (look at PAN TRAVELERS for their checklist)
-stay organized- keep track of dates and conversations
-be careful of blind submissions. Make sure you have all the details before!

7. Location Planning
-travel books/AAA
-INTERNET- I do so much research it’s insane.
-Either take the companies housing or find your own. You make more money if you find it yourself. (If you don’t understand this as your recruiter, they will break it down for you)

9. On Location
-dry run your route
-open mind, be ready to show your skills
-don’t take things personally
-do everything you can—you are there to help!

10. Start @ 5 Again


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