Mark and Joyce Came to Visit

The 'RENTs came for the week!! 

We went kayaking on the Chesapeake Bay! Zorro came too :)

We also adventured over to Smith Island for an afternoon.  


Some museum-ing in Crisfield. 
(If you can't tell I am stealthily hiding Zorro in my backpack!)

And we went to Ocean City Beach!! 

As well as Assateague and Chincoteague Islands
(where the wild horses live!)

And then we decided to catch, cook and eat some crabs!! 
First time EVER! 

 Zorro really wanted one. He is a natural hunter! 

And Joyce joined us for the second kayaking adventure

I am so grateful that my parents took the time to come visit me and make me feel special!! 
Love them and miss them already!


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