The Need to Know Before Becoming a Traveling Speech-Language Pathologist-- Frequently Asked Questions

Here are some frequently asked questions that I have had a long the way or that I have been asked. 

How long are traveling contracts?
Usually about 13 weeks, but I have seen 8 weeks and 12 weeks as well in the medical setting. Traveling school contracts are usually a whole school year.

How do you decide on a travel company?
This is a tricky one. Every traveler I have talked to has a little different approach to it. About 6 months before I started traveling I called a recruiter from each of the major travel companies. I had a set list of questions that I asked each recruiter and organized it into a chart. I compared companies and picked my top 3 companies based on the answers and the recruiters I talked to.

How does the whole process of actually getting a traveling job work?
Basically you discuss with the recruiter what you are looking for, what states you have licenses in, your experience, etc. Then your recruiter brings you jobs with some basic information such as “I have a SNF position in Houston, Texas. Your take home pay would be $____ weekly and you would have ____ guaranteed hours.” You decide based on that information whether you would like to be submitted for the job. They submit your information (a summary of your resume) directly to the hiring facility. If they are interested in you after reviewing your information, they call you and you have a phone interview. I also have a list of questions I ask during every phone interview that I have. If after the phone interview they still want to hire you and you still want to work there then you both agree. A contract is signed and you are on your way!

How do you decide what states you want to go to?
Your world is only as big as you make it! I picked states to begin with that are closer to home. I purposely also picked a few states that are known for having a larger number of contracts in general. But soon I will be going father away to California and maybe even Alaska!

How much in advance do you know where you are going?
This varies. Mostly based on why the company needs you. Usually it’s an immediate need, but sometimes it’s a planned need. I have heard that usually it is about 4 weeks, it can be as quick as 1-2 weeks before and I have heard of the rare time when you can get one lined up for a few months ahead of time (which has happened to me 2/3 times!).

Do only look at jobs from one company?
No, at the moment I have two companies that I have looking for jobs for me for my next contract.  

Why do you use more than one company?
In short, competition. I think it is important to keep your options open, to have a variety of choices for jobs and to have competition for pay and for jobs. I would always have at least two (most people have 2-3) that they use.

Any downsides to having more than one recruiter?
Yes! You don’t really want to be submitted to the same job by two different recruiters. At times, your companies will have bids for the same job and you will have to pick which company you want to submit with and then remember. This takes some organization especially when you are submitting to multiple facilities at the same time.

How many state licenses do you have?
I have 6 right now in Ohio, Indiana, Massachusetts, Maryland, South Carolina and Texas.

Pay, how does that work?
Most companies pay on a weekly basis. There is a lot that goes in to pay (maybe I should do a post just about that!). But to keep it short, since you are traveling away from your tax home, you qualify for some of your pay to be in the form of stipends to help assist with the cost of travel and being away from home. This makes your pay different from what you will see at a typical job. It makes the government’s cut of your paycheck less and it makes up for the cost of travel.

Housing… How does that work?
When you are a traveler you can qualify for tax free stipends. One of these stipends is for housing. You can chose to find your own housing and get paid the stipend or your company can keep the stipend and find your housing for you. It usually pays to find your own housing, but it is more stressful. Everyone does something different when looking for their own housing. Some people look for actual apartments and pay more for a short term lease, some people pay more for furnished courporate housing, some people look on craiglist (that’s where I found my last housing), some people use and some people travel by RV.

What resources have you found to help with starting traveling?
Travel Therapy Therapists is a facebook page is super helpful. Most travelers are a part of this group.
Empowered Travel Nurse and Therapist Hub is a facebook page is also helpful.
Nomadicare company is run by an Occupational Therapist. She does the interviewing and vetting with companies and pairs you with recruiters who she knows do a good job.
TravelTax is good for all of your tax questions. And trust me, there are a lot when you are a traveler.
Traveling Traveler is the blog of a speech-language pathologist, Julia Kuhn, who has been a great resource to me. She is always willing to answer any questions.

If you have any questions feel free to email me at or comment on this post and I will be happy to answer them!!


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