The Best Laid Plans

Today I am reminded that the life of a traveler means giving up control that most people need to feel.  No, I don't know where I am going. No, I don't know how I will be getting there. No, I don't know when I will be starting my next assignment. These are answers that I give to questions on a daily basis. And I am ok with that.

[[ Alrighty... The contract has been completed, the agreement has been struck. I am going to CALIFORN-I-A.

I just agreed... ]]

Above is what I had typed to start a blog in regards to my first CA assignment that I had verbally agreed to take on Wednesday of this week. This contract is in the process of being cancelled because of some things happening behind the scenes in the business world. Sad.

I am constantly fighting my inner being for the need to have plans and ultimately control of my life. This has been one of my greatest learning experiences as a traveler. Yes, my plans are important, but God's plans are so much more important. I have learned to be flexible, to put my trust in him rather than on the stability of my future, to rely on God, to trust that His plans are better than mine, and honestly give Him control of my life.

I know that even if my plans seem so important and are so SPOT ON (these ones were, lol), that they are so trivial compared to what His plans are for me.

For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the LORD,
“plans to prosper you and not to harm you,
plans to give you hope and a future. 
Jeremiah 29:11

There are other things so much more important. Yes, I might have cancel a housing reservation and change a flight or two, but for the learning experience and just the opportunity to travel I am counting my blessings.

Pray for me as I continue to look for my next assignment. I want to find a place that God needs me to be and that I need to be. I always attribute changes in my plans to God's divine intervention. I like to give Him the benefit of the doubt that he is working constantly in my life. I pray that even if this cancellation was not His intervention that He does intervene on this journey and lead me where I need to be.


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