Next Assignment!

New Contract
I have exciting news! I just signed my next contract. I am so excited to be at the beach again—I have missed living close to the water. I signed my contract today, and if all goes according to plan (and you all know with travel sometimes it doesn’t) I will be starting my next assignment April 22 in Corpus Christi, TX. I am finishing up my assignment here in Murrieta, CA on April 12. Following that, Joyce and Mark have been gracious enough to volunteer to drive with me 20 hours across half of the lower US.

I already have my future RV Park picked out and reserved. This time I will be “roughing it” a little more with no pool or resort life, but will be saving some money and only a short 15 minute drive to the beach and shorter commute to work. It is going to be HOT and HUMID but I am excited for this next adventure, and excited to spend some time soaking up the sun and enjoying the beach life once again.

Leaving AGAIN
Please pray for me as I make this transition and prepare to move again! I have really grown to love some people here and have connected in California at church, small group, bible study and the gym like I haven’t at other places. This area has been such as blessing and I have grown so much spiritually and as a person. Too many blessings here to count! I have continued to increase the amount of time I spend in God’s word, I have started doing a budget—and sticking to it, and I have also started going to personal training to really kick my continued weight loss into gear. There aren’t words that can express how sad I am to leave, and how much I will miss my new home, but I am excited for new adventures, new friends and new experiences. Also praise that this time there is NO PACKING! #fulltimeRV


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