I started this journey with $114,000 of debt. 
The debt I owe is ALMOST more than I can handle. 

Let me tell you. 
Paying off debt is not easy.
It's a lot of work. 
You have to sacrifice
You have to be dedicated

I feel the pressure
I feel the weight

The weight of my debt is getting lighter. 
It is now $55,000.
It is less than half of what I owed. 
It's getting smaller each month. 
Praise God!

But there is another debt. 
I can't pay it.
No matter what I do. 
I am drowning in a debt of sin that I can't fix. 
I can't budget more to pay it. 
I can't find a job that pays more to repay it. 
There is no "handling it."
It it like a student loan that will not go away. 
It just keeps accruing more and more interest. 
I can do all the good deeds in the world and not make a dent in it.
It is HEAVY. 
I feel the WEIGHT. 

BUT God has a plan.
He is the loan forgiveness officer. 
He offers forgiveness of this debt. 
He knew this debt would be too much. 
He needed something big to pay it off. 
The blood of animals would not wash it away forever. 
Only the blood of his son. 
That's what washes my debt away. 
Now I am FREE!  
This heaviness...
He has taken it away. 
He does it gladly! 
Without interest.
He gave it all
and now I can live. 

I can't imagine the joy I would feel if my $55,000 of debt was forgiven... 
And he has forgiven so much more than an earthly monetary amount. 
I am so grateful. 
He has forgiven my sin. 
He has washed away my mistakes. 
I owed a debt I couldn't pay.
He forgave it. 
Praise God! 


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