2020 New Years Resolutions... A Little Late

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I ended the year 2019 on possibly the worst note of the whole year in my personal life. I was going on "broke" (not really... but I hadn't worked in a month and a half). I was the heaviest I have been in about a year and half and I honestly just really lazy about everything (personal finance, exercise, diet, bible study). I started 2020 without a clue as to what I would be motivated to accomplish, let alone what I actually wanted to accomplish.

Don't worry.. It's getting better. I have a travel job, so now I am making money again! I am back on the Keto to lose what I originally lost in 2018/2019 and get back to feeling healthy again. I am not exercising yet, but I can feel the motivation coming soon. I am budgeting and making a financial plan for this year... And I am ready to make some commitments and goals for 2020!

Goals for 2020! 
1. Pay off my truck.
2. Pay at 40K on student loans by the end of the year.
3. Save 5K in my "Tiny House Fund" while paying off my student loan debt
4. Decrease drinking soda. I think I have settled on 1/day except on the weekends where I can have 2/day if I want. (OK, some might judge.. But there for a while I was drinking 5-6/day. I'm doing good. I might decide to give soda up altogether as I progress through this year. TBD)
5. Complete my "Year of Less" by not buying things
6. Keep budgeting EVERY MONTH, and use the envelope system ALL YEAR
7. Read a classic book a month (I am eventually going to read the top 100 classic books of all time 1/100 completed 99 left to go! haha).


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