I want to evaluated how I did for the month of January and then make a plan for the next month. This month I feel like I did OK... not great but definitely not as much as I would have spent otherwise... You know how Murphy's Law is?? Well it hit me hard.

First unfortunate incident: I took my favorite YETI cup to work (I am trying to drink more water!!) and left it there so I didn't have to carry it on the T every morning... and a week later it got stolen... Don't worry, I am currently using a plastic cup. (haha, no really!) I have more nice cups, but of course they are in Ohio.

Second unfortunate incident: It was cold in the morning and then not so cold when I left work in the afternoon. So I put my hat in my pocket... And when I got to the train it was gone... Sad. I have a hood that's working for now and I am glad the past few days have been a little warmer. :)

Needless to say, I will be asking my mom to send me a care package of these things that I have duplicates of at home so I don't have to buy them. Normally I would log onto Amazon and buy them immediately. So this is a good change for me.

Overall I did OK. I made a list of the "approved purchases" that were allowed and the "not approved purchases" I made this month. See how I did....

*not approved purchases*
Bark Collar for Zorro (left his other one in Ohio and needed for upstairs neighbors)
Envelopes (for application to Alaska and to send checks for my bills)
Prilosec (acid reflux on Keto is real)
Large Envelopes (for passport application/tax season)
Bandaids for my heel (long story, but my feet are not used to all this walking...)
Passport Picture

*approved purchases*
Presents for my mom (I won't say how much-- because that's tacky)
Cotton Rounds (when mine ran out)
Face Lotion (when mine ran out)

Reflection on January: 
Although I am slightly disappointed with how much I did have to buy I accept that me being a traveler and not having all that I own at my disposal at all times makes this challenge even more difficult. A few of the things that I bought I do have at home in Ohio, but to ship them would have been more expensive than me buying them or some of them I didn't have time to wait for snail mail. Nevertheless, this has mostly been a positive experience. I can feel my mindset changing. I have thought about every purchase I made this month and none of them were spur of the moment. I went into the store for that item, and left with that item and only that item.

Well I guess my plan for February is about the same as mine for January. Don't buy things. Easier said than done I can tell you by my first month.. Uck. I hope to do a little better than I did last month. I don't see any crazy expenses coming my way this February, so I am hoping to make it through with minimal to no spending if possible!


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