the last of yesterday, and part of today

Yesterday after dinner we had a party just to get to know people and get out of our comfort zones. We were probably there until about 1030 and then we headed back to the bible school and went to bed. This morning we went to the church in Florence which was really nice. The singing was in  Italian but the man leading singing knew english and made some comments to us and announced the number ni English. And then the man giving the sermon spoke about a paragraph in English and then the same paragraph in Italian. All of the prayers except the communion prayers were in Italian and for communion they had one person give one in  Italian and then one give one in English. During commmunion it was so funny to watch everyone's face because alot of the students weren't aware that the "fruit of the vine" was wine and they made some pretty funny faces!! lol. But I could smell it as soon as they uncovered it... We got to visit with some of the avanti girls and they gave us some advice and we just talked about the best shopping places and fun stuff like that! The church is small congregation (about 50) so we doubled their size but the building that its in was the personal chapel of one of the rich families in Florence so it was domed shaped and very historical looking inside.

I took a couple of pictures that I'll have to put up later, I'm on the schools computer right now because I couldn't go back to the bible school after church. Today at 5 we have a bible class and then we are going to have a devo and then dinner and then I don't know whats planned after that so we'll just have to wait and see. Hopefully back to the bible school to do some homework, I took all of my books there and so I have no way to get them to study right now. :) I think that's all for now...


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