It is well... with my soul...

I know that I haven't been as proactive on here as I was a few weeks ago, This is what always happens I start to blog or journal and then it slowly fades and then I don't do it anymore but I really want to continue to do this. I know that it helps me put things in writing and helps me think things through. :)

This week was/is a busy week. I have 3 clients and all three first drafts of their treatment plans were due this week. I have completed them, and turned them into my supervisors with a nervous stomach. Since these are first drafts they always get marked up incredibly and it's always a shock to get them back so I am a little nervous. But hey, God loves me no matter how good, or bad, a writer I am. woohoo.. thank goodness!

We also have been doing our second week of therapy and "getting into the groove" so to speak. I am learning bunches about my clients and try to take something away from each therapy session. I have made some personal therapy goals this semester and that is one of them. To leave each therapy session having made two NEW clinical observations about my client and learning about and from them every session :)

I have also been working GA hours which have started to become mundane. I really appreciate the help with my school while I work these hours but it is hard to get those 20 hrs in a week. I have started to be ok with getting 16 or 17 and then just planning on making the rest up on the beginning of christmas break. Thats the plan anyways :)

I got to go to chapel today for the first time since I graduated. It was singing chapel and my teacher really wanted to attend so we all got out of class to go to chapel for a bit. It was so nice, yet strange to be sitting there participating with students and being a student, yet still not being a part of what they have. It was funny to see so many people in jeans because now we don't hardly ever wear jeans, basically just on friday when we don't have clinic. It is nice to see how life transitions, but also kind of bitter sweet to think that you will never be in those shoes again. I will never be an underclassman at Harding ever again and have to go to chapel everyday (with only 15 skips;) ) But it is also nice to know that life goes on. That I am still growing, changing, and maturing and that (hopefully) will never stop.

God definitely has a plan with all of us in our lives and I feel like I am fulfilling his plan everyday. That is what gets me up in the morning and helps me get through all of the nervous butterflies and the terror of grad school. I am going to make it with God on my side and I am fulfilling what he has planned for my life, to bring glory and honor to his kingdom and to spread His love to all of his creation. What an awesome task we have as Christians!! It is well... With my soul...


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